What is Jeet Kune Do?
Jeet Kune Do (or JKD) translates to English roughly as "the way of the intercepting fist". It was created by the late Bruce Lee. JKD focuses heavily on the use of kinesiology and physics to create a powerful striking arsenal. With a strong emphasis on footwork, distance and timing become some of the greatest weapons. The added mobility of JKD footwork creates the ability to evade punches, set up attacks, break timing, and use the body’s inertia to one’s advantage. JKD is a unique strategic approach to the martial arts.
At JKD Colorado, you will learn to hit, kick, and move your body in ways you never thought possible. Whether you are a seasoned martial artist or a beginner to it all, there is a great amount to be learned with JKD from a physical, strategic, or even philosophical point of view. What will be gained is new insight into self confidence, self defense, and physical training.
Jeet Kune Do is great for men, women, and children. It provides a realistic way of looking at fighting, one that is progressive as well as effective. Soon after starting you will be hitting things, having punches thrown at you, and learning to apply the skills you learn in class. You will not learn fantasy martial arts, safe in the comfort of your personal bubble. You’ll learn no-nonsense, real-world skills that will spill over into many aspects of your life.
Bruce Lee was different. He developed an unbelievable physique and maintained a perfect diet. He was very studious and read passionately about philosophy and martial arts. Of course, it is probably because of his flashy martial arts moves in movies that you know who he was.
His fame left some very distinct footprints on the martial arts world. His candid critique of traditional martial arts styles earned him many critics. He was bold enough to shake up the entire martial arts world by creating something new. In his mind, he saw that martial arts had become tarnished by the influence of greedy teachers, profit motives, and general insecurity. He believed that to discover the truth of martial arts, we must return to the roots of physics, psychology, and kinesiology. No longer would a method of fighting be hidden in a closed circle of secrets. The ability to master control of your body comes from within your own mind, not from traditions honed over hundreds of years by magic men.
After the world tragically lost Bruce Lee at an early age, there were many who sought to follow in his footsteps. What they did not understand is that following his footsteps does not lead to Jeet Kune Do. To find Jeet Kune Do, you must follow your own path. But, luckily he did leave us an important guide that teaches how to overcome the obstacles that block our path. In our classes, our goal is to keep this guide alive and to build honest friendships with others who happen to meet along the way.

"There is no mystery about my style. My movements are simple, direct and non-classical.
The extraordinary part of it lies in its simplicity. Every movement in Jeet Kune Do is being so of itself. There is nothing artificial about it. I always believe that the easy way is the right way. Jeet Kune Do is simply the direct expression of one's feelings with the minimum of movements and energy.
The closer to the true way of Kung Fu, the less wastage of expression there is."
Bruce Lee